Partnering to shape the future of Contentious Trusts and Probate

Join us.

Membership of ACTAPS is open to solicitors, barristers and legal executives who are substantially engaged in contentious trust and probate law and practice.

Cost: £150 per annum

Members’ Area



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Sharing knowledge and specialism since 1997

ACTAPS was established on Monday 8th September, 1997 for lawyers specialising in contentious trust and probate work.

The launch meeting took place in the presence of Mr Justice Lightman and Chief Chancery Master Dyson.

The objectives of The Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) are:


To exchange experience, know-how and an appreciation of the law and statutes in this specialist area


To promote the enhancement of the specific skills specialisation and expertise in this area by the provision of education and training


To hold seminars, conferences and meetings for the discussion of contentious trust and probate issues


To enable representations to be made to the appropriate governmental and judicial bodies in relation to contentious trust and probate issues.


Provide a forum for specialists

Meet the ACTAPS Committee

ACTAPS is run by a Committee of experienced and dedicated members. You can read about them on our Committee Member page.